


Out Of The Woods

for the field of environmental history as it continues to develop into the next century. | Char Miller Hal Rothman|| History / Essays History / General Science / Environmental Science…

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The Sanitary City

…the Society for the History of Technology | Martin V. Melosi| History of the Urban Environment| Science / Environmental Science Technology & Engineering / General Technology & Engineering / History…

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The Imaginary Lover

…“intimate rather than remote, passionate rather than distant, defying divisions between emotion and intellect, private and public, life and art, writer and reader.” To read her poems is to “discover…

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The Makings of Happiness

|9780822954484|Wallace’s poems cover the range of human experience: music, religion, sex, art, childhood, adolescence, nuclear war, illness, and death. But it’s in his wit and good humor, against undercurrents of…

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Chatham Village

|9780822962786|Pittsburgh’s Garden City| Chatham Village, located in the heart of Pittsburgh, is an urban oasis that combines Georgian colonial revival architecture with generous greenspaces, recreation facilities, surrounding woodlands, and many…

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