How Nations Choose Product Standards and Standards Change Nations

A fascinating overview of an extremely important but too often neglected subject, namely business standards and the critical role they have played and continue to play in both the national and global economy. What makes this study especially valuable is its rich and detailed comparative and historical scope.
David Vogel, University of California, Berkeley

Nations use product standards, and manipulate them, for reasons othen than practical use or safety. The Soviets once cultivated standards to isolate themselves. In the United States, codes and standards are often used to favor home industries over external competition, and to favor some producers over others. Krislov compares and contrasts the United States, the EC, the forner Eastern bloc, and Japan, to link standard choice with political styles and to trace growing internationalization based on product efficiency criteria.

272 Pages, 6 x 9 in.

March, 1997

isbn : 9780822956228

about the author

Krislov S

Samuel Krislov is professor of political science at the University of Minnesota and author of several books on politics and law.

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Krislov S