
Marketing Department of the University of Pittsburgh Press

Bringing the Writer to the Reader

Whether you are an author, a media representative, a bookseller, a librarian, an educator, or a consumer, we are here to assist you in any way we can. Our marketing team is responsible for the publicity, promotion, advertising, and sales of all titles published by the University of Pittsburgh Press. Here’s what we do in a nutshell, as well as contact information should you have any questions.


  • The publicity department covers a wide array of functions, including fielding all media queries (requests for review copies, author information, and availability).
  • If you are an author, the publicity department will carry out solicitation of your title for reviews, help you with author tours and appearances, help coordinate potential media interviews, and help coordinate events with bookstores and other venues.
  • The publicity department will also submit your title for appropriate awards consideration.

Your publicity contact is Lesley Rains, publicity manager


  • Promotion covers several marketing areas at the Press, including writing the copy that appears on book jackets as well as in catalogs and other sales materials.
  • We create materials for the many academic and scholarly conferences the University of Pittsburgh Press attends.
  • We write, create, and design point-of-sale materials, including easels, sales promotion sheets, and advertising copy.
  • We actively promote our books on social media platforms, including Facebook, Bluesky, and Instagram.
  • We assist authors with their social media activity.
  • When appropriate, we partner with groups outside the Press to create innovative ways to promote and sell our books.



  • We schedule, design, and write copy for print and online advertising for the University of Pittsburgh Press books.

Your advertising contact is Caleb Gill, marketing and communications specialist


At the University of Pittsburgh Press, our sales people make every effort to get your books, both physical books and ebooks, distributed through the widest range of appropriate bookstores, online retailers, libraries, and wholesalers. These retail outlets include:

  • Independent Booksellers
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Amazon
  • Baker & Taylor
  • Ingram
  • Bookazine
  • Yankee Book Peddler

Book buyers can also get our books directly by opening an account or using a credit card with our distribution partner, Longleaf Services (call 800-848-6224 or email Longleaf) or orders can be directly placed with the Press by contacting our marketing and sales director, Deborah Orgel Hudson.

Consumers have the option of buying books directly from our website.

Marketing Contacts

  • General marketing, advertising, sales queries, media contact, publicity information, review copies, author appearances:

If you are one of our authors, we look forward to working with you and your acquiring editor toward a successful publication.

If you are a bookseller, we will be happy to provide you with the best authors and books from our list for your market.

If you are from the media, we look forward to providing you with our outstanding titles and authors for review and interviews.

Finally, if you are a book lover, we look forward to providing you with the book of your choice directly or pointing you to the retailer of your choice.