For Educators

Desk Copies

Desk copies are available at the discretion of the University of Pittsburgh Press to qualified instructors of appropriate courses.

One complimentary desk copy per instructor is available for any book that has been assigned as a required or supplementary text in a scheduled class for the current or following term and is on order with a bookstore.

The complimentary desk copy is provided with the understanding that 10 or more copies of the book will be bought by students in the course.

Please use your institution’s letterhead or your standard desk copy request form, making certain to include instructor name and title, name and date of course, approximate enrollment, and name of bookstore placing the order.

Please email or fax the request to:

Lesley Rains, publicity manager
tel: 412-383-2493
fax: 412-383-2466
email Lesley

Examination Copies

The University of Pittsburgh Press will be happy to send you an examination copy of any book you wish to consider for course use.

All requests must be submitted on departmental letterhead and should include name and date of course and approximate enrollment. Submit requests, accompanied by check or credit card payment information for $10.00 per title to cover handling costs, to:

Examination Copy
University of Pittsburgh Press
Longleaf Services, Inc.
116 South Boundary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-3808
tel: (800) 848-6224 ext. 1 / (919) 966-7449
fax: (919) 962-2704
email Longleaf

Hardcover editions may be requested by submitting a similar request along with payment in the amount of 40% off the retail price.

Readers with Disabilities

The University of Pittsburgh Press can assist accessibility offices at institutions of higher learning by providing access to books for students who have disabilities that prevent them from using books in printed form. We have electronic files for many of our titles available upon special request.

We may need to bill your accessibility office a service fee, to cover the cost of preparing the file and transmitting it if you cannot accept a file via email. For instance, we generally charge $10.00 + shipping costs for delivery on a CD.

Please contact Eileen O’Malley, operations administrator
email Eileen