Rights and Permissions
Academic Coursepack and Photocopy Permissions
All of our academic coursepack and photocopy permissions are managed by Copyright Clearance Center.
Please visit the Copyright Clearance Center website where you can search University of Pittsburgh Press books by title or ISBN. The search bar is located in the upper-right corner under “Get Permissions”.
Reprint Permissions
Thank you for inquiring about procedures for granting permission to reprint materials copyrighted by the University of Pittsburgh Press. All permission requests are handled by email. Please allow four to six weeks for a reply.
Address inquiries to:
Eileen O’Malley, operations administrator
email Eileen
In order to receive your reply as promptly as possible, your permission request should include your complete mailing address, as well as the following information about your publication:
- The nature of your publication/project
- The publisher/institution/organization with whom it is under contract
- The number of copies to be printed
- The approximate retail price of each copy
- The approximate date of publication
- The format/edition of the publication: cloth, paper, audio or videocassette, DVD, CD, CD-ROM, e-book, etc.
- Where you are requesting distribution rights: North America only, world, etc.
- The language in which it will be published
- Editions or supplements planned (e.g., Braille, large type, or other editions for readers with disabilities; transparencies, tapes, or other supplemental material to accompany publication that will make use of reprinted material)
If your request is for permission to use material for a second time, please email a copy of your original permission letter and/or the date the permission was originally granted. We also require the following information about our publication (whether it is in print or out of print):
- Title of book
- Author
- Year of publication
- Page numbers on which material appears
- Exact material to be reprinted: a precise description or photocopy of original pages and/or your manuscript pages
For reprint requests, if you have already received approval from the author, please provide correspondence from him, her, or them confirming this.
Please keep in mind that the Press will charge a fee, based upon the above information, for permission granted.
Your reply from us will specify the rights that the University of Pittsburgh Press will grant for reprinting the material requested.
Translations, Performance, Broadcast, and other Rights and Permissions
All questions concerning international language rights, broadcast, performance, recording, etc., or other rights and permissions not listed above, should be directed to:
Eileen O’Malley, operations administrator
email Eileen
Please allow four to six weeks for a reply.