Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy

Total 5 results found.

Comparing Socialist Approaches

Comparing Socialist Approaches

Economics and Social Security in Cuba, China, and Vietnam

A Comparative Study of Socialism as Practiced in Cuba, China, and Vietnam

The Left’s Dirty Job

The Left’s Dirty Job

The Politics of Industrial Restructuring in France and Spain

The Left’s Dirty Job compares the experiences of recent socialist governments in France and Spain, examining how the governments of Franois Mitterrand (1981-1995) and Felipe Gonzalez (1982-1996) provide a key test of whether a leftist approach to industrial restructuring is possible. Taking the unusual position that these governments’ policies were generally similar to those in European countries, this study provides insight into these important socialist governments.

Debt Wish

Debt Wish

Entrepreneurial Cities, U.S. Federalism, and Economic Development

Albert Sbragia considers American urban government as an investor whether for building infrastructure or supporting economic development. Over time, such investment has become disconnected from the normal political and administrative processes of local policymaking through the use of special public spending authorities like water and sewer commissions and port, turnpike, and public power authorities.

Social Security in Latin America

Social Security in Latin America

Pressure Groups, Stratification, and Inequality

A comprehensive and sophisticated study of the relationship between social security policy and inequality in Latin America.

Comparative Socialist Systems

Comparative Socialist Systems

Essays on Politics and Economics

“The editors have merged work from two disciplines, economics and political science; in a summary conclusion, a sociologist suggests possible extensions in the comparison of socialist systems for the future. . . . contributes generously to the field.”—Slavic Review

Total 5 results found.