Science / Natural History

Total 9 results found.

Nature on Paper

Nature on Paper

Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850

How Paper Tools Transformed the Infrastructure of Modern Research in Prussia at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

The Drawings of an American Naturalist

Positions Bartram’s Illustrations as Central to His Understanding of the Natural World



Appalachian River, Revised Edition

The Fortieth Anniversary Edition of the Classic Exploration of the Youghiogheny River,Updated with a New Introduction and Epilogue

Making Entomologists

Making Entomologists

How Periodicals Shaped Scientific Communities in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Illuminates the Diverse Communities of Victorian Insect Collectors Who Contributed to the Study of Natural History

American Dinosaur Abroad

American Dinosaur Abroad

A Cultural History of Carnegie's Plaster Diplodocus

The Untold Story of Carnegie’s Prized Dinosaur and Its Influence on European Culture

Appalachian Winter

Appalachian Winter

A Charming Chronicle of Shifting Weather and Winter Wildlife Brings Warmth to the Coldest Months of the Year

Appalachian Summer

Appalachian Summer

A Celebration of Life That Reaffirms Our Connections to the Natural World

Appalachian Autumn

Appalachian Autumn

A Meditation on Fall’s Fiery Beauty in the Appalachian Mountains

Appalachian Spring

Appalachian Spring

A Personal Account of the Glorious Spectacle of Spring Coming to the Woods and Fields of Appalachia

Total 9 results found.