Amy Sherman

Building on the Press’s longstanding publishing program in environmental history, I acquire books in our growing environmental studies and food studies lists. I am especially excited to consider projects that explore the entanglement of the two subject areas, as well as those that complement the Press’s other areas of acquisition. I also welcome proposals of regional interest with a focus on Pittsburgh and the greater Western Pennsylvania area—in particular, those in industrial history, labor history, and nature and the environment.

I joined the University of Pittsburgh Press as an acquisitions assistant in 2010, then moved through roles as an assistant editor and then managing editor for manuscript editorial. In that time, my work has ranged from proofreading to developmental editing, including substantive, stylistic, and copy editing, and has included trade fiction in addition to scholarly books in the humanities.

I am an enthusiastic believer in the importance of building community and networks of support within and across independent and scholarly presses.
