
Interstate seamlessly connects the state of knowing, in a worldly sense, to that knowing that is deeply felt yet unbodied. The precise attention to the ordinary things of the world, and in particular to the natural world, gives way to the wisdom of the spirit undergirding these searching poems. Reading them, I felt the delights of language in each new revelation: 'Words were all; / they came to me like birds to a tree.'
Natasha Trethewey

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Interstate is a collection of lyrical poems in four sections that concentrate thematically on animals, love and sex, compassion, and loss. A unifying elegiac conceit, even in the more ecstatic and humorous poems, betrays the bittersweet nature of the book’s muse. Alternating between free and formal verse, the poems contain a lyrical tension in which their “broken music” evokes metaphysical paradoxes, romantic humor, and the “dark sounds” that effect what Garcia Lorca called “the power everyone feels” in the mystery of duende “but no philosopher can explain.”

96 Pages, 6 x 8.7 in.

August, 2015

isbn : 9780822963899

about the author

Chard deNiord

Chard deNiord is cofounder of the New England College MFA program in poetry. He is the author of the poetry collections Asleep in the Fire, Sharp Golden Thorn, Night Mowing, The Double Truth, and Interstate. His book Sad Friends, Drowned Lovers, Stapled Songs is a collection of interviews with American poets. His second collection of interviews with poets is I Would Lie to You if I Could: Interviews with Ten American Poets.

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Chard deNiord