Nature and the Iron Curtain

Environmental Policy and Social Movements in Communist and Capitalist Countries, 1945-1990

[Nature and the Iron Curtain] provides a rich and contrasting set of case studies that examine Cold War environmental policy on both sides of the Iron Curtain, framed by an excellent introductory essay. . . . an absorbing, even-handed book.
Global Environment

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In Nature and the Iron Curtain, the authors contrast communist and capitalist countries with respect to their environmental politics in the context of the Cold War. Its chapters draw from archives across Europe and the U.S. to present new perspectives on the origins and evolution of modern environmentalism on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The book explores similarities and differences among several nations with different economies and political systems, and highlights connections between environmental movements in Eastern and Western Europe.

about the editors

Astrid Kirchhof

Astrid Mignon Kirchhof is a research associate and lecturer at Humboldt University, Berlin and a scholar in residence at the Deutsches Museum, Munich.

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Astrid Kirchhof
J. R. McNeill

J.R.McNeill is professor of history at Georgetown University and author of Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the 20th-century World.

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J. R. McNeill