Undoing Multiculturalism

Resource Extraction and Indigenous Rights in Ecuador

Brilliant . . . Undoing Multiculturalism is an important book: meticulously researched and unsparing in its critique of Correa’s weakening of multiculturalism, as well as his academic enablers in Ecuador and beyond.
Latin American Research Review

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President Rafael Correa (2007-2017) led the Ecuadoran Citizens’ Revolution that claimed to challenge the tenets of neoliberalism and the legacies of colonialism. The Correa administration promised to advance Indigenous and Afro-descendant rights and redistribute resources to the most vulnerable. In many cases, these promises proved to be hollow. Using two decades of ethnographic research, Undoing Multiculturalism examines why these intentions did not become a reality, and how the Correa administration undermined the progress of Indigenous people. A main complication was pursuing independence from multilateral organizations in the context of skyrocketing commodity prices, which caused a new reliance on natural resource extraction. Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and other organized groups resisted the expansion of extractive industries into their territories because they threatened their livelihoods and safety. As the Citizens’ Revolution and other “Pink Tide” governments struggled to finance budgets and maintain power, they watered down subnational forms of self-government, slowed down land redistribution, weakened the politicized cultural identities that gave strength to social movements, and reversed other fundamental gains of the multicultural era.

about the author

Carmen Martínez Novo

Carmen Martínez Novo is professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Florida and editor in chief of the Latin American Research Review. She is the author of Who Defines Indigenous? and editor of Repensando los movimientos indígenas.

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Carmen Martínez Novo