
Total 7 results found.

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

The Drawings of an American Naturalist

Positions Bartram’s Illustrations as Central to His Understanding of the Natural World

Making the Frontier Man

Making the Frontier Man

Violence, White Manhood, and Authority in the Early Western Backcountry

Contextualizes the Development of Early American Violence and Gun Culture

The Milkweed Ladies

The Milkweed Ladies

The Story of Louise McNeill’s Growing Years on Her Family Farm, Told through the Circadian Rhythms of Rural Life

Thunder In the Mountains

Thunder In the Mountains

The West Virginia Mine War, 1920–21

The Classic, Lively Narrative of a Seminal Labor Dispute in Appalachian History

Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs

Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs

Centuries of Change
Edited By Craig Colten

From prehistoric midden building to late twentieth century industrial pollution, Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs traces through history the impact of human activity upon the environment of this fascinating and unpredictable region.

Regenerating Dixie

Regenerating Dixie

Electric Energy and the Modern South

Electrification as an Engine of Change in the Modern South

More than Moonshine

More than Moonshine

A Narrative Cookbook Recounting the Southern Appalachian Way of Life in the Mid-Twentieth Century

Total 7 results found.