Education / Higher

Total 3 results found.

Sensitive Rhetorics

Sensitive Rhetorics

Academic Freedom and Campus Activism

Shows How a Rhetorical Theory That Centers Sensitivity Can Benefit Scholars and Students

Decolonizing American Spanish

Decolonizing American Spanish

Eurocentrism and Foreignness in the Imperial Ecosystem

Exploring Colonialism in University Spanish and Hispanic Studies Departments

Politics Of Remediation

Politics Of Remediation

Institutional And Student Needs In Higher Education

Mary Soliday reveals that institutions’ needs for remedial writing programs may outweigh students’ needs for those same programs. Uses CCNY’s open admissions policy as an in-depth case study, she questions the belief that language use is key to access to higher education.

Winner of the 2004 CCCC Outstanding Book Award

Total 3 results found.