
Total 4 results found.

Watching the River Run

Watching the River Run

A Photographic Journey down the Youghiogheny

A Vibrant Photo Essay of the Youghiogheny River

Witness to the Fifties

Witness to the Fifties

The Pittsburgh Photographic Library, 1950–1953

Unforgettable photographs from Roy Stryker’s Pittsburgh Photographic Library (PPL) capture the convergence of destruction and rejuvenation that is the essence of an urban renaissance–all the anxiety and hope of the fifties is reflected in these poignant photographs and explained through essays and narrative.

After the Smoke Clears

After the Smoke Clears

Struggling to Get By in Rustbelt America

After the Smoke Clears contains thought-provoking, personal stories of hardship and endurance from five towns in America’s collapsing industrial heartland. It focuses on the complex relationships between work, loss, and identity. Includes 48 plates of black and white photographs.

Pittsburgh Then And Now

Pittsburgh Then And Now

This handsome volume presents 161 pairs of matching before and after photographs of Pittsburgh. A treasury of images for those who remember the old Pittsburgh, those who are curious about its past, and anyone interested in Pittsburgh’s fascinating evolution from “smoky city” to the city it is today.

Total 4 results found.