Total 72 results found.
The First Comprehensive Biography of a Barrier-Breaking Black Radio and Television Newscaster
A Pittsburgh Sports History Centering Issues of Race and Economic Disparity
A Vibrant Photo Essay of the Youghiogheny River
How Pittsburgh Positioned Itself as a Center of Culture and Innovation at the Turn of the Century
The First Comprehensive Biography of Julia Warhola
Traces the Arc of Pittsburgh’s Rise from Frontier Outpost to Dynamic Industrial Region
Positions Bartram’s Illustrations as Central to His Understanding of the Natural World
Lays Bare the Class Struggles Inherent in Public Health and Urban Parks Campaigns of the Early Twentieth Century
Contextualizes the Development of Early American Violence and Gun Culture
Traces One Family’s Outsized Influence on Its Community and a Century of National Retail Trends in the Department Store Industry
The Fortieth Anniversary Edition of the Classic Exploration of the Youghiogheny River,Updated with a New Introduction and Epilogue
A Comprehensive History Placing Forbes and His Campaign during the Seven Years’ War within the Context of the Eighteenth Century British Empire
How Skilled Welsh Workers and Managers Helped Build the American Steel Industry
The Complete Story of the Worst Air Pollution Disaster in US History
Essays That Confront the Personal and Public Aspects of Surviving Tragedy and Demonstrate How Pittsburgh Is Still Stronger Than Hate