New Book: Chica Lit

New Book: Chica Lit

New Book: Chica Lit

Chica Lit Tace Hedrick

Chica Lit

Popular Latina Fiction and Americanization in the Twenty-First Century

Tace Hedrick

“In this highly anticipated text, Tace Hedrick provides an invaluable resource that finally scrutinizes chica lit while providing cues for understanding the heated love-hate emotions it often triggers among many Latina/o scholars and readers.”
—Arlene Davila, New York University


Hedrick illuminates how discourses of Americanization, ethnicity, gender, class, and commodification shape the genre of “chica lit,” popular fiction written by Latina authors with Latina characters. Looking at chica lit’s market-driven representations of difference, poverty, and Americanization, Hedrick shows how this writing functions within the larger arena of struggles over popular representation of Latinas and Chicanas.

University of Pittsburgh Press