
Total 1567 results found.

Marriage and Mental Handicap

Marriage and Mental Handicap

A Study of Subnormality in Marriage
The Blood of Adonis

The Blood of Adonis

Selected Poems of Adonis (Ali Ahmed Said)
D. H. Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence

Body of Darkness


The Uncompleted Revolution

The first book-length analysis of the Bolivian revolution by an American political scientist explains the events of 1952 as a Latin American case study, and links the theme of the revolution with other contemporary insurrection in underdeveloped countries.



The Story of a City, 1780-1865

The standard history of Pittsburgh tells the city’s story from its violent days as an eighteenth-century outpost of empire to the onset of its great age of industrial expansion.

Dylan Thomas’ Early Prose

Dylan Thomas’ Early Prose

A Study in Creative Mythology

This first full-scale treatment of the early prose of Dylan Thomas demonstrates the unity of his total work. Pratt argues that the inward journey of the poetic imagination which is implicit in poetry is often explicit in prose. Her study of Thomas’ early prose alongside his early poetry helps to elucidate all of his writing.

When Thy King Is A Boy

When Thy King Is A Boy

C.D. Wright has described Roberson’s work as “lyric poetry of meticulous design and lasting emotional significance,” comparing its musical qualities to the work of saxophonist Steve Lacy, jazz pianist Thelonious Monk, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

Essays in Comparative Social Stratification

Essays in Comparative Social Stratification

The essays in this volume represent trends in social stratification studies undertaken in major culture areas of the world. The empirical data of the chapters are set with special reference to the dynamics of processes within these diverse traditions and heritages as sources of comparison with one another and with the experiences of western societies.

Council Fires On the Upper Ohio

Council Fires On the Upper Ohio

Council Fires on the Upper Ohio is a unique account of the Indian-white relations during the second half of the eighteenth century. Told from the point of view of the Indians, it details how the Indians maintained a precarious hold of Western Pennsylvania by playing one white faction off against another.

Total 1567 results found.