
Total 256 results found.

Transcript of the Disappearance, Exact and Diminishing

Transcript of the Disappearance, Exact and Diminishing


A Poetic Autobiography—Intimate, Sorrowful, and Funny

Trailer Park Psalms

Trailer Park Psalms


Winner of the 2023 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize




Poems about the Freedom That Arises When We Finally Let Go

Take Me to Stavanger

Take Me to Stavanger


A Bilingual Collection of Poems for a Dispirited Society

Rock That Is Not a Rabbit, The

Rock That Is Not a Rabbit, The


Meditative Poems That Ask, What If “We Change and Change / But Don’t Change Back?”




Winner of the 2022 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry

Ghost Variations

Ghost Variations


Intensely Emotional and Bitingly Witty Poems about Grief, Family, and Joy

The Anxiety Workbook

The Anxiety Workbook

An Exploration of the Collective Present Moment through the Combination of Scientific Fact and the Lyrical

banana [  ]

banana [ ]

Winner of the 2021 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry




Poems That Mapthe Struggle between Victimhood and Agency

Endurable Infinity

Endurable Infinity


Effervescent Surrealist Poems That Imagine and Reimagine What Is Possible

Blessing the Exoskeleton

Blessing the Exoskeleton


A Collection of Meditative Poetry Complicated by the Stark Potential Reality of the Future

Winter Stars

Winter Stars

Since the appearance of his first book in 1972, Larry Levis has been one of the most original and most highly praised of contemporary American poets. In Winter Stars, a book of love poems and elegies, Levis engages in a process of relentless self-interrogation about his life, about losses and acceptances. What emerges is not merely autobiography, but a biography of the reader, a “representative life” of our time.

In Evidence

In Evidence

Poems of the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps

In Evidence is a collection of poems in the voices of allied troops who liberated Nazi concentration camps in Europe in the spring of 1945. Barbara Helfgott Hyett heard poems in the eyewitness testimony of United States soldiers. She has shaped the words of thirty speakers into a songle narrative, a single voice.

The Imaginary Lover

The Imaginary Lover

With The Imaginary Lover, Alicia Ostriker takes her place among the most striking and original poets whose work is informed by feminist consciousness. Her characterization of the best poetry by women, in the New York Times Book Review, aptly describes this book: “intimate rather than remote, passionate rather than distant, defying divisions between emotion and intellect, private and public, life and art, writer and reader.” To read her poems is to “discover not only more of what it means to be a woman but more of what it means to be human.”

Total 256 results found.