
Total 1569 results found.

Nature on Paper

Nature on Paper

Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850

How Paper Tools Transformed the Infrastructure of Modern Research in Prussia at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

The Drawings of an American Naturalist

Positions Bartram’s Illustrations as Central to His Understanding of the Natural World

Small in Real Life

Small in Real Life

Winner of the 2023 Drue Heinz Literature Prize

Pittsburgh Rising

Pittsburgh Rising

From Frontier Town to Steel City, 1750-1920

Traces the Arc of Pittsburgh’s Rise from Frontier Outpost to Dynamic Industrial Region

Most Adaptable to Change

Most Adaptable to Change

Evolution and Religion in Global Popular Media

How Multimedia Influenced Relationships between Evolutionary Studies and Religion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

Absent Here

Absent Here


Winner of the 2023 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry




Poems That Breathe through Grief to Find Comfort in the Natural World

Obligations to the Wounded

Obligations to the Wounded

Winner of the 2024 Drue Heinz Literature Prize

William Whewell

William Whewell

Victorian Polymath

Reexamines the Work and Legacy of One of the Most Important Figures of the Victorian Era

Sharing Spaces

Sharing Spaces

Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships

Considers the Entangled Human-Animal Relationship of a Complex Multispecies World

Black Urban History at the Crossroads

Black Urban History at the Crossroads

Race and Place in the American City

Navigates the Complicated History of the City as Both Site of Oppression and Space for Self-Determination

Still City

Still City


First-Hand and Documentary Poetic Witness to the War in Ukraine

Imaginative Possibilities

Imaginative Possibilities

Conversations with Twenty-First-Century Latinx Writers

Interviews That Speak to New Trends and Developments in Latinx Literature

Creatures of Reason

Creatures of Reason

John Herschel and the Invention of Science

Explores the Early Life and Career of a Figure Central to the Development of Modern Scientific Practice

From the Steel City to the White City

From the Steel City to the White City

Western Pennsylvania and the World’s Columbian Exposition

How Pittsburgh Positioned Itself as a Center of Culture and Innovation at the Turn of the Century

Total 1569 results found.