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Your search for "love%20order%20progress" returned 83 results

Tiger Heron

Tiger Heron

The poems in Tiger Heron examine intimate lesbian friendships over a lifespan, while also reaching into core human experiences, such as the deaths of parents. Becker similarly explores relationships between humans and other creatures. Her villanelles and other shaped stanzas showcase contemporary formalism.

Animal Eye

Animal Eye

Animal Eye employs pastoral motifs to engage a discourse on life and love, as Coal Hill Review states “It is as if a scientist is at work in the basement of the museum of natural history, building a diorama of an entire ecosystem via words. She seem snot only interested in using the natural world as a metaphoric lens in her poems but is set on building them item by item into natural worlds themselves.”

Winner of the 2013 Rilke Prize from the University of North Texas

Voted one of the five best poetry collections for 2012 by Publishers Weekly

Vaquita and Other Stories

Vaquita and Other Stories

Winner of the 1996 Drue Heinz Literature Prize.

To author Edith Pearlman, “The stories in Vaquita aim at an intimacy between writer and reader. That imagined reader wants to know who loves whom, who drinks what, and, mostly, who answers to what summons. Thank Heavens for Spike Lee! Before his movies writers and critics had to natter about moral stances; now I can say with a more tripping tongue that my characters are people in peculiar circumstances, aching to Do The Right Thing if only they can figure out what The Right Thing is. If not, they’ll at least Do Their Own Right Thing Right.”

Looking for The Gulf Motel

Looking for The Gulf Motel

Looking for The Gulf Motel offers a genealogy of the heart: how Blanco’s family’s emotional legacy has shaped—and continues shaping—his Latino identity, sexual identity, and understanding of the big questions of life and death.

The Necessity of Certain Behaviors

The Necessity of Certain Behaviors

Winner of the 2011 Drue Heinz Literature Prize

Told in precise, evocative prose that skewers the heart of the matter time after time, these memorable stories view and illuminate the human condition from a compelling, funny and entirely original perspective.

Bringing the Shovel Down

Bringing the Shovel Down

Bringing the Shovel Down is a re-imagination of the violent mythologies of state and power.

“These poems speak out of a global consciousness as well as an individual wisdom that is bright with pity, terror, and rage, and which asks the reader to realize that she is not alone—that the grief he carries is not just his own. Gay is a poet of conscience, who echoes Tomas Transtromer’s ‘We do not surrender. But want peace.'”—Jean Valentine

The Double Truth

The Double Truth

The Double Truth is a collection of poems that arc from myth to history, knowledge to mystery, Eros to natural love, animals to human beings, then back in an alternating poetic current that betrays a speaker who is at once a privileged witness of her time and a diachronic amalgam of voices that are as imagined as they are real in their anonymous legacy.

The Hill of Flutes

The Hill of Flutes

Love, life, and Poetry in Tribal India

Your search for "love%20order%20progress" returned 83 results