Search Results

Your search for "Urban Rivers : Re-making Rivers, Cities and Space in Europe and North America" returned 615 results

Rouge Pulp

Rouge Pulp

Barresi’s poems take the world’s brutal vitality as their music, and they refuse to despair.



New And Selected Poems 1969-1999

Journey includes poems from three previous books spanning thirty years, along with a generous selection of new work that continues her radically individual celebration of the sacredness of life.

The Tormented Mirror

The Tormented Mirror

This is the first book in the Pitt Poetry Series by this popular and enigmatic poet, considered the foremost writer of prose poetry in America. In eleven collections over thirty years, Edson has created his own poetic genre, a surreal philosophical fable, easy to enter, but difficult to leave behind. In The Tormented Mirror, Edson continues and refines his form in seventy-three new poems.

Democratic Brazil

Democratic Brazil

Actors, Institutions, and Processes

Twelve top scholars analyze Brazilian democracy in a comprehensive, systematic fashion, covering the full period of the New Republic from Presidents Sarney to Cardoso.

City of a Hundred Fires

City of a Hundred Fires

City of a Hundred Fires presents us with a journey through the cultural coming of age experiences of the hyphenated Cuban-American.

Richard Blanco was selected as the 2013 inaugural poet by President Barack Obama.

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son documents the life of award-winning dancer Edward Villella.

Dangerous Men

Dangerous Men

Winner of the fifteenth annual Drue Heinz Literature Prize, Dangerous Men contains a wide variety of distinct voices, peculiar characters, and odd settings, with tantalizing emphasis on lonliness, loss, and the ever-present struggle to find one’s place in the world. These are stories you will not forget.

American Mosaic

American Mosaic

The Immigrant Experience in the Words of Those Who Lived It

American Mosaic presents the recollections of 140 immigrants from six continents and fifty countries who have settled all across the United States.

The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892

The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892

Politics, Culture, and Steel

In The Battle for Homestead, Paul Krause calls upon the methods and insights of labor history, intellectual history, anthropology, and the history of technology to situate the events of the lockout and their significance in the broad context of America’s Guilded Age. Utilizing extensive archival material, much of it heretofore unknown, he reconstructs the social, intellectual, and political climate of the burgeoning post-Civil War steel industry.

The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company

The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company

A Romance of Millions

This book created a sensation when it appeared in 1903 and remains a striking insider’s narrative of the American steel industry in the late nineteenth century. Bridge was a fisthand witness to the confrontations of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick, the eventual sale of Carnegie Steel and the formation of U.S. Steel.

The Expulsion of Mexico’s Spaniards, 1821-1836

The Expulsion of Mexico’s Spaniards, 1821-1836

The definitive account of the expulsion laws passed in 1827-1829 and 1833-34 and the chaos they caused in the new Mexican republic.

Ida Tarbell

Ida Tarbell

Portrait of a Muckraker

This definitive biography of Ida Tarbell, one of America’s great journalists, is highly readably and widely acclaimed.

The Valley Of Decision

The Valley Of Decision

Pittsburgh author Marcia Davenport’s absorbing and complex chronicle of a family’s fortunes from the economic panic of 1873 through the dramatic rise of American industry and trade unionism, through waves of immigration, class conflict, natural disaster, World War I, to Pearl Harbor.

Cold Comfort

Cold Comfort

Cold Comfort is a book of poems written out of deep affection and concern for the world in a dangerous time. An urbane stylist, Anderson characteristically focuses on rural and small-town America, where the events of personal history intersect those of the larger world.

The Imaginary Lover

The Imaginary Lover

With The Imaginary Lover, Alicia Ostriker takes her place among the most striking and original poets whose work is informed by feminist consciousness. Her characterization of the best poetry by women, in the New York Times Book Review, aptly describes this book: “intimate rather than remote, passionate rather than distant, defying divisions between emotion and intellect, private and public, life and art, writer and reader.” To read her poems is to “discover not only more of what it means to be a woman but more of what it means to be human.”

Your search for "Urban Rivers : Re-making Rivers, Cities and Space in Europe and North America" returned 615 results