
Total 66 results found.

Foucault in Brazil

Foucault in Brazil

Dictatorship, Resistance, and Solidarity

Captures the Complexity of Foucault’s Political Engagements and Breaks with the Orthodox View That He Was Anti-Marxist

Conjuring the State

Conjuring the State

Public Health Encounters in Highland Ecuador, 1908-1945

The First English-Language Book on the History of Public Health in Ecuador during the Early and Mid-Twentieth Century

Gendering Antifascism

Gendering Antifascism

Women's Activism in Argentina and the World, 1918-1947

A History of the Women’s Antifascism Movement in Argentina That Contains Lessons for Opposing Fascism Today

Inka Bird Idiom

Inka Bird Idiom

Amazonian Feathers in the Andes

How Indigenous People Used Feathers as a Significant Way of Symbolic Communication in the Andes

Mirrors of Whiteness

Mirrors of Whiteness

Media, Middle-Class Resentment, and the Rise of the Far Right in Brazil

Highlights the Intersections between Media, Whiteness, and Middle-Class Identity That Feed Brazil’s Ultraconservative Movement

Capitalist Outsiders

Capitalist Outsiders

Oil's Legacies in Mexico and Venezuela

How Capitalist Outsiders Willing to Accommodate the Dominant Economic Elite Often Defeat Anticapitalist Outsiders

Building Power to Shape Labor Policy

Building Power to Shape Labor Policy

Unions, Employer Associations, and Reform in Neoliberal Chile

How Competing Interests Mobilize and Shape Labor Laws and Reform

Now We Are in Power

Now We Are in Power

The Politics of Passive Revolution in Twenty-First-Century Bolivia

Follows the Rise and Fall of Evo Morales and the Political and Economic Transformations of Bolivia

Modernity at the Movies

Modernity at the Movies

Cinema-going in Buenos Aires and Santiago, 1915-1945

A Methodological Study of Going to the Movies as Cultural and Societal Practice

The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela

The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela

Revolution, Crime, and Policing During Chavismo

An Innovative Approach to Studying the Relationship between Politics, Crime, and Violence

Claiming Brazil

Claiming Brazil

Performances of Citizenship in the Centenary of Independence

A Timely Study of Brazil’s First Centenary of Independence and Exploration of Brazilian Nationhood and Citizenship

The Film Industry in Brazil

The Film Industry in Brazil

Culture and the State

Looking back through the prism of the severe economic crisis for filmmaking in the 1980s, this book trace the development of this industry in Brazil, focusing specifically on its relationship to the state.

Restructuring Domination

Restructuring Domination

Industrialists and the State in Ecuador

Using Ecuador as her case study, she shows how industrial growth has given birth to an exclusive, ingrown bourgeoisie that is highly dependent on the state and foreign capital and is increasingly alienated from the peasants and urban poor.

A Forced Agreement

A Forced Agreement

Press Acquiescence to Censorship in Brazil

During much of the military regime in Brazil (1964-1985), an elaborate but illegal system of restrictions prevented the press from covering important news or criticizing the government. In this intriguing new book, Anne-Marie Smith investigates why the press acquiesced to this system, and why this state-administered system of restrictions was known as “self-censorship.”

The Friendly Liquidation of the Past

The Friendly Liquidation of the Past

The Politics of Diversity in Latin America

Based on interviews with more than 100 participants, Van Cott demonstrates how social issues were placed on the constitutional reform agenda and transformed into the nation’s highest law. She follows each reform for five years to assess early results of what she calls an emerging model of multicultural constitutionalism.

Total 66 results found.