
Total 1560 results found.

Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich

The Artist Who Would Be King

The Definitive English-Language Biography of a Noteworthy and Controversial Artist Who Packed Several Lives into a Single Lifetime

Hemispheric Blackness and the Exigencies of Accountability

Hemispheric Blackness and the Exigencies of Accountability

Critically Assesses How Black Collectives across the Hemisphere Evoke Their Rights

The Architecture of Evolution

The Architecture of Evolution

The Science of Form in Twentieth-Century Evolutionary Biology

How the History of Morphology Made the Advent of Evolutionary Developmental Biology Possible

Literacy as Conversation

Literacy as Conversation

Learning Networks in Urban and Rural Communities

A Hopeful Approach to the Problem of Literacy Among Communities in Need

Winter Stars

Winter Stars

Since the appearance of his first book in 1972, Larry Levis has been one of the most original and most highly praised of contemporary American poets. In Winter Stars, a book of love poems and elegies, Levis engages in a process of relentless self-interrogation about his life, about losses and acceptances. What emerges is not merely autobiography, but a biography of the reader, a “representative life” of our time.

Ambivalent Alliance

Ambivalent Alliance

The Catholic Church and the Action Française, 1899-1939

This book examines the strange marriage of convenience, from 1899 to 1939, between the French Catholic church and the ultra-rightist, chauvinist, monarchist, and anti-Semitic organization called the Acton Francaise.

The Strife of Systems

The Strife of Systems

An Essay on the Grounds and Implications of Philosophical Diversity

Rescher develops a theory that accounts for philosophical disagreement and shows how conflicts root in divergent ‘cognitive values’-values regarding matters such as importance, centrality, and priority. He argues that given the nature of the enterprise, consensus is not a realistic goal, and failure to achieve it is not a defect.

The Man Who Loved Levittown

The Man Who Loved Levittown

Winner of the 1985 Drue Heinz Literature Prize. This book is characterized by narrative vitality and emotional range. In Wetherell’s stories a suburban retiree’s assumptions about the ethos of Long Island life are challenged and dismissed by a younger generation, a young English woman achieves miracles by dancing with wounded soldiers during World War II, a tennis-mad bachelor plays an interior game as real to him as an actual match, and a black drifter converts an Asian couple to his bleak vision of American life and finds strange kinship with them.

The Ephrata Commune

The Ephrata Commune

An Early American Counterculture

Tells of the founding and subsequent history of Ephrata, a mystical religious community that flourished in eastern Pennsylvania in the mid-eighteenth century. Its leader, Conrad Beissel, a German Pietist who came to America in 1720 seeking spiritual peace and solitude. Settled in Lancaster County, his talents and charisma attracted other German settlers who shared his vision of a community built in the image of apostolic Christianity.

Perceptions and Behavior in Soviet Foreign Policy

Perceptions and Behavior in Soviet Foreign Policy

This book discerns Soviet leaders’ views of the United States and sees them in relation to foreign policy statements and actions.

In Evidence

In Evidence

Poems of the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps

In Evidence is a collection of poems in the voices of allied troops who liberated Nazi concentration camps in Europe in the spring of 1945. Barbara Helfgott Hyett heard poems in the eyewitness testimony of United States soldiers. She has shaped the words of thirty speakers into a songle narrative, a single voice.

Voices, Visions, and a New Reality

Voices, Visions, and a New Reality

Mexican Fiction Since 1970

This book introduces to a larger audience the work of a group of Mexican writers whose work reflects the stimulus of the “boom” of the 1960s, especially in the experimental nueva novella.Duncan views the work of six writers in the context of more well known writers of the period (Ruflo, Fuentes, and Del Paso), and concludes with a chapter on other recent innovators in Mexican literature.

Ill Starred General

Ill Starred General

Braddock of the Coldstream Guards

Lee McCardell’s strongly-reviewed biography of the General who disastrously led British forces—including a young George Washington—into battle against the French near the site of present day Pittsburgh.

Political Leadership

Political Leadership

A Source Book

An edited collection of seminal literature on political leadership. Essays range from ancient Greece to the twentieth century, covering pundits that include Plato, Machiavelli, and Freud.

The Imaginary Lover

The Imaginary Lover

With The Imaginary Lover, Alicia Ostriker takes her place among the most striking and original poets whose work is informed by feminist consciousness. Her characterization of the best poetry by women, in the New York Times Book Review, aptly describes this book: “intimate rather than remote, passionate rather than distant, defying divisions between emotion and intellect, private and public, life and art, writer and reader.” To read her poems is to “discover not only more of what it means to be a woman but more of what it means to be human.”

Total 1560 results found.