
Total 251 results found.

The Plum Flower Dance

The Plum Flower Dance

Poems 1985 to 2005

Winner of the 2008 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence

The Plum Flower Dance includes new poems and poems from Weaver’s earlier works My Fathers Geography, and Timber and Prayer, among others.

The Floating Bridge

The Floating Bridge

The Floating Bridge, David Shumate’s second collection of prose poems, transports its readers over the chasm between the mundane and the enchanted. We traverse one bridge and find ourselves eavesdropping on Gertrude Stein and her gardener. We take the night bus to Gomorrah to have a look around. Halfway across, each bridge vanishes beneath our feet. Our world shifts. The commonplace begins to glow. We turn the page. Another bridge awaits.

Red Sugar

Red Sugar

In her third collection, Beatty travels inside the body to the blood that codes us, moving beyond the language of post-confessionialism into fourth-wave feminism, challenging notions of the “romantic” “and the “brutal” and how they exist within us and between us.

The Endarkenment

The Endarkenment

The poet employs colloquial diction, references pop and classical culture, and travels at 1000 miles per hour in his fourth collection. For those who think contemporary poetry is about abject confessions, vacation in Provence and opaque ‘academicisms,’ McDaniel is an intro to a new world.

Domestic Interior

Domestic Interior

These poems describe the private and sometimes secret spaces of marriage, parenthood, and knowledge.

For a Limited Time Only

For a Limited Time Only

For a Limited Time Only explores issues of aging, illness, and mortality, and the philosophical and theological speculations that arise from personal tragedy, and invokes humor, hope, and consolation in the face of death and loss.

Winner of the 2008 Posner Book-Length Poetry Award.

Winner of the 2009 Wisconsin Library Association Outstanding Achievement in Poetry Award.

Dismantling the Hills

Dismantling the Hills


Narrative of the Life of the Brown Boy and the White Man

Narrative of the Life of the Brown Boy and the White Man

Winner of the 2007 Cave Canem Poetry Prize.

Prose poems that profile the interrelationship of the two central characters, looking deeply into their psyches and thoughts of race, class, and identity.

Read a press release about this book

Burn and Dodge

Burn and Dodge

Winner of the 2007 Donald Hall Prize in PoetrySelected by Bob Hicok

Burn and Dodge is a collection of poems that “burns” with contemporary vices such as: Guilt, Envy, Regret, and Indecision while also “dodging” such concerns with formal playfulness.

Love on the Streets

Love on the Streets

Selected and New Poems

Love on the Streets is a selection of poems from four of Doubiago’s books of poetry, two of which are book-length poems, plus new poetry. It is the culmination of thirty years of writing “on the road.”

The Mother/Child Papers

The Mother/Child Papers

With a new preface by the author

In 1970, as the war in Vietnam was heating up, Ostriker was awaiting the birth of her son. On April 30, President Nixon announced the bombing of Cambodia. On May 14, four students were shot and killed by National Guardsmen at Kent State University. The poems in this collection confront Ostriker’s personal tumult as she considered the world she had brought her son into.



Ka-Ching! is a book of poems that explores America’s obsession with money. It also includes a crown of sonnets about e-bay, sestinas on the subjects of Sean Penn and the main characters of fairytales, a pantoum that riffs on a childhood riddle, and a villanelle inspired by bathroom grafitti.

All-Night Lingo Tango

All-Night Lingo Tango

This collection is a love letter to language with poems that are drunk and filled with references to the hyperkinetic world of the twenty-first century. Yet Zeus and Hera tangle with Leda on the interstate; Ava Gardner becomes a Hindu princess; and Shiva, the Destroyer, reigns over all. English is the primary god here, with its huge vocabulary and omnivorous gluttony for new words, yet the mystery of the alphabet is behind everything, a funky puppet master who can make a new world out of nothing.

See Jack

See Jack

Edson began publishing poetry in the 1960s. He has been called “the godfather of prose poems in America” by Booklist’s Ray Olson. Edson has been quoted as saying “Prose comes so naturally that one doesn’t really have to choose it, it’s already in one’s mouth”.

Open Interval

Open Interval

Drawing upon intersections of astronomy and mathematics, history, literature, and lived experience, the poems in ]Open Interval[ locate the self in the interval between body and name.

Finalist, National Book Award

Total 251 results found.