

Poet Barbara Hamby’s Deep South Minestrone Recipe


Poet Barbara Hamby’s Deep South Minestrone Recipe

Florida poet Barbara Hamby, who has published three books with the Pitt Poetry series, is known for cooking up delicious verse. Poet Laureate Billy Collins described one of her collections as offering “a generous helping of poems so crackling with references and busy with verbal energy you might feel them buzzing in your hands.” It turns out that one of Hamby’s other passions is soup! “I love soup. It is the ultimate comfort food,” she said. Hamby usually has a freezer full of several different kinds, and enjoys trying new recipes.” Most of my soups are easy, and many are…

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10 don’t miss places on the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP)


10 don’t miss places on the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP)

(geographically arranged from Cumberland to Pittsburgh) 1 Mile 5 – Helmstetter’s Curve For the first 13 miles the GAP is a rail-with-trail. You share the route with a classic steam train. Time your ride to catch the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad’s Mt. Thunder pounding through the sweeping 1/2 mile Helmstetter’s Curve on its way up the east side of Big Savage Mountain to Frostburg, MD.   2 Mile 22 – Big Savage Tunnel & Overlook Stop and relax at the Big Savage Overlook. From the edge of the trail you look southeast to waves of folded mountains and 3 states,…

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Pitt Press poet’s verse featured in new symphony music


Pitt Press poet’s verse featured in new symphony music

The Double Truth Chard deNiord “Sunday Calls,” from Chard deNiord’s collection The Double Truth, will be set to music by Jacob Cooper and featured during a May 15 concert by the chamber ensemble of the Albany Symphony. Cooper explained that the new song will be performed by vocalist Theo Bleckmann and the symphony’s chamber group “Dogs of Desire.” This concert is part of their annual American Music Festival, and part of Cooper’s two-year residency with the Albany Symphony. “For this concert, we’re each arranging songs and writing new ones,” he said. “The song I’m arranging is Kate Bush’s ‘Under Ice,’…

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Meet Us in May


Meet Us in May

We hope to see you at these upcoming conferences: American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM) April 29-May 3, 2015 New Haven, CT Representative: Abby Collier (Acquisitions Editor)   Latin American Studies Association (LASA) May 27-30, 2015 San Juan, Puerto Rico Representative: Joshua Shanholtzer (Sr. Acquisitions Editor)  

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New Book: Sports Culture in Latin American History


New Book: Sports Culture in Latin American History

Sports Culture in Latin American History Edited by David M. K. Sheinin LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES “This book expanded my sense of Latinidad by exposing under-analyzed, vastly hybrid histories and sporting practices. Extending key works in sport studies, it offers a broad geopolitical lens on the role of sport in nation building, settlement, community activism, and social hierarchies. A much-needed corrective to a U.S. practice of over-reliance on a European-centered historical and cultural landscape for theorizing sport.” —Katherine Jamieson, University of North Carolina–Greensboro As this edited volume shows, the function of sport as a historical and cultural marker is particularly relevant…

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