


Foundations of a Free Society

|9780822945482|Reflections on Ayn Rand’s Political Philosophy|Foundations of a Free Society brings together some of the most knowledgeable Ayn Rand scholars and proponents of her philosophy, as well as notable critics,…

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Free Will and the Human Sciences in Britain, 1870-1910

|9780822964766|From the late nineteenth century onwards religion gave way to science as the dominant force in society. This led to a questioning of the principle of free will—if the workings…

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On the End of Privacy

|9780822965688|Dissolving Boundaries in a Screen-Centric World| In preparation for this book, and to better understand our screen-based, digital world, Miller only accessed information online for seven years. On the End…

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Interests and Opportunities

…arguments to maintain “Standard English.” Today, anti-affirmative action and anti-access sentiments have put many of these high-risk programs at risk. In Interests and Opportunities, Steve Lamos chronicles debates over high-risk…

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Best Bones

|9780822963172| Winner of the 2013 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize Best Bones is a house. When you walk around the rooms of the house, you overhear the desires and griefs…

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