


Tough on Crime

|9780822945826|The Rise of Punitive Populism in Latin America|Crime and insecurity are top public policy concerns in Latin America. Political leaders offer tough-on-crime solutions that include increased policing and punishments, and…

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Typhoid in Uppingham

…Richardson explores public health strategy and central-local government relations during the mid-nineteenth-century, using the experience of Uppingham, England, as a micro-historical case study. Uppingham is a small (and unusually well-documented)…

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Domesticating Electricity

…welfare. This broadly interdisciplinary study relates to a website developed by the author on the history of electricity.| Graeme Gooday| Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century| Science / History…

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Resisting Brown

…Edward County Free School Association (Free School). This temporary school system would serve just over 1,500 students, both black and white, aged 6 through 23. Drawing upon extensive archival research,…

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Ivan the Terrible

|9780822945918|Free to Reward and Free to Punish| Ivan the Terrible is infamous as a sadistic despot responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, particularly during the years of…

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