


Brezhnev’s Folly

…on its behalf, BAM proved to be a boondoggle-a symbol of late communism’s dysfunctionality-and a cruel joke to many ordinary Soviet citizens. In reality, BAM was woefully bereft of quality

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Blue Like The Heavens

|9780822953586|New and Selected Poems|“Aliveness is Gary Gildner’s striking quality,” Crystal McLean writes in the magazine New Letters, and thise selection of Gary Gildner’s previously published poems, plus eighteen new poems,…

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Land of Sunshine

…blueprints, for enhancing the quality and viability of cities. | William Deverell Greg Hise| History of the Urban Environment| History / General History / United States / State & Local…

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Democratic Brazil

…have struggled with a range of diverse challenges that have tested the durability and quality of the young democracy. How well have they succeeded? To what extent can we say…

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Pittsburgh and the Appalachians

…during the past half-century, and shows how other cities can learn from the steps Pittsburgh has taken through redevelopment, green space acquisition, air and water quality improvement, cultural revival, and…

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