


Historicizing Humans

…nineteenth century invited new questions about human ancestry. The rise of secularism and scientific naturalism; new evidence, such as skeletal and archaeological remains; and European encounters with different people all…

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Theories On The Scrap Heap

questions about falsification, rejection, and theory replacement: When observational evidence conflicts with the assumptions of a theory, does this signify the death of the theory? If rival theories are available…

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The Moment Of Movement

|9780822954057|Dance Improvisation|Dance improvisation, the intriguing phenomenon of the creative process alive in the moving body, exists powerfully, sublimely – lending insight, solving problems, allowing moments of transcendence, diversion, and delight….

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History and Context in Comparative Public Policy

…essays summarize opposing viewpoints and conflicting interpretations to help form a new agenda for comparative policy analysis.| Douglas E. Ashford|| Political Science / General Political Science / History & Theory…

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The Politics of Place

…posits a framework through which to view future contention in urban redevelopment. | Gregory J. Crowley|| Political Science / General Political Science / Public Policy / City Planning & Urban…

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