
Total 1560 results found.

Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great

A new and incisive rexamination of Alexander’s life including his economic as well as military achievements.

The Axion Esti

The Axion Esti

The Axion Esti is probably the most widely read volume of verse to have appeared in Greece since World War II and remains a classic today. Those who follow the music of Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis have been especially drawn to Odysseus Elytis’s work, his prose is widely considered a mirror to the revolutionary music of Theodorakis. The “autobiographical” elements are constantly colored by allusion to the history of Greece, thus, the poems express a contemporary consciousness fully resonant with those echoes of the past that have served most to shape the modern Greek experience.



Etai-Eken is a legend told in a series, a cycle of poems, which is to say, told in different languages. The action of the poems in the poem is their moving in and out of the legend by the changes of access to the larger legend; an access of the present in the ancient, of the present’s knowledge and experience of it.

Leadership and Decision-Making

Leadership and Decision-Making

Vroom and Yetton select a critical aspect of leadership style-the extent to which the leader encourages the participation of his subordinates in decision-making. They describe a normative model that shows the specific leadership style needed in different classes of situations. Other chapters discuss how leaders actually behave in different situations. They look at differences in leadership styles, and what situations induce people to display autocratic or participative behavior.

Congress Oversees the Bureaucracy

Congress Oversees the Bureaucracy

Congressional supervision of the way the executive implements legislative mandates-“oversight” of the bureaucracy-is one of the most complex and least understood functions of Congress. In this book, Morris Ogul clarifies the meaning of oversight and analyzes the elements that contribute to its success or neglect.

Out of This Furnace

Out of This Furnace

Our all-time bestselling title, this classic and powerful novel spanning three generations of a Slovak immigrant family. It has been adopted for course use in more than 300 colleges and universities nationwide.

The Bus to Veracruz

The Bus to Veracruz

In Shelton’s fourth collection of poems, he writes of the desert Southwest, and through it gives his unique view of the world. The poems speak of landscape, marriage, freedom, and death.

Social Security in Latin America

Social Security in Latin America

Pressure Groups, Stratification, and Inequality

A comprehensive and sophisticated study of the relationship between social security policy and inequality in Latin America.

The Homestead Strike of 1892

The Homestead Strike of 1892

A Complete Account of America’s Most Famous Labor Struggle

The Great Succession

The Great Succession

Henry James and the Legacy of Hawthorne

The first book devoted to the literary relationship between Henry James and his American predecessor, Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Satan Says

Satan Says

First published in 1980, the classic poetry of Sharon Olds’ Satan Says was introduced into college courses twenty years ago, and still maintains a wide usage today. Few first books have the power or vigor of design of Satan Says. Marilyn Hacker described it as “a daring and elegant first book. This is a poetry which affirms and redeems the art.”

Sure Signs

Sure Signs

New and Selected Poems

The publication of Ted Kooser’s Sure Signs: New and Selected Poems is a literary event of major importance. Long admired and praised by other poets, Kooser is also accessible to the reader not familiar with contemporary poetry.

The Keelboat Age on Western Waters

The Keelboat Age on Western Waters

This book tells the story of river boating in the west before the invention of the steamboat. Recreates life on the keelboats and flatboats that ran the Ohio, Mississippi, and other rivers from revolutionary days until about 1820.

The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, 1964-1976

The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, 1964-1976

An exhaustive, balanced analysis of the overthrow of Salvador Allende, and why it occurred. Paul e. Sigmund examines the Allende government, the Frei government that preceeded it, the coup that ended it, and the Pinochet government that succeeded it. He also views the roles of various Chilean political and interest groups, the CIA, and U.S. corporations.

Atlas of World Cultures

Atlas of World Cultures

This reference offers a simple method for choosing a valid sample of the world’s known societies for cross-cultural research.

Total 1560 results found.