
Total 256 results found.

View from a Temporary Window

View from a Temporary Window

“Joanie Mackowski’s hypnotizing View from a Temporary Window is filled with Kafka-like transformations and metamorphoses and haunted by a sense of the body’s strangeness. She writes in a relaxed and lucid manner that pays scrupulous attention to both the imaginary and the real, and to what is uncanny in each.”—John L. Koethe

Words for Empty and Words for Full

Words for Empty and Words for Full

“As always with a Bob Hicok book, fascinating and a book you sort of can’t help but pick up and suddenly, two hours later, find yourself having read straight through. I can think of just about no contemporary poets who publish such consistently great work.”—Corduroy Books

Noose and Hook

Noose and Hook

“I have long believed that Lynn Emanuel is one of the most innovative and subversive poets now writing in America. Her aesthetic and artistic choices consistently invoke a complex hybrid poetics that radically reimagines the shape of our poetic discourse. The brilliant, shattering, and disturbing poems of Noose and Hook are not only wry critiques of recent poetic and cultural activity in this country but also compelling signposts to what yet might be possible in our future. This is Lynn Emanuel’s most exquisite and powerful book yet.”—David St. John

Love and Strange Horses

Love and Strange Horses

“Sometimes we have questions that seem to defy answers or even suppositions but then we find Love and Strange Horses to help us map out a course to continue loving life. A really wonderful, thoughtful read by an intriguing new voice.”—Nikki Giovanni

Winner of the 2011 Independent Publisher Book Award (Poetry)

American Fanatics

American Fanatics

A book of contemporary poetry exploring the fine, shifting line between faith—secular and spiritual faith—and fanaticism in an insecure age, American Fanatics is a lyrical, pop-culture inflected meditation on democracy, morality, beauty, commerce, and the cost of falling dreams.

The Animals All Are Gathering

The Animals All Are Gathering

Winner of the 2009 Donald Hall Prize in Poetry

A collection of lyric poems that address issues of death and personal crisis by filtering them through an obsession with monsters and animals.

Paper Anniversary

Paper Anniversary

Winner of the 2009 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize

“There is something in American poetry that might be called the book of the small town or, equally, the tale of the good family; or, if you like, the American Grafitti Suite. Poems that discover life’s bonuses in new love, wise parents, old books, venerable nature, and the mysteries of all that endures in the face of the viciousness no life escapes—are, well, worth the wait. That’s how I feel about Paper Anniversary. His poems are full of the best news, the kind the soul, as W. C. Williams attested, can get nowhere better than in the life of the lively mind. I think any reader will find this an auspicious, welcome arrival.”—Dave Smith

The Double Truth

The Double Truth

The Double Truth is a collection of poems that arc from myth to history, knowledge to mystery, Eros to natural love, animals to human beings, then back in an alternating poetic current that betrays a speaker who is at once a privileged witness of her time and a diachronic amalgam of voices that are as imagined as they are real in their anonymous legacy.

Bringing the Shovel Down

Bringing the Shovel Down

Bringing the Shovel Down is a re-imagination of the violent mythologies of state and power.

“These poems speak out of a global consciousness as well as an individual wisdom that is bright with pity, terror, and rage, and which asks the reader to realize that she is not alone—that the grief he carries is not just his own. Gay is a poet of conscience, who echoes Tomas Transtromer’s ‘We do not surrender. But want peace.'”—Jean Valentine

Red Clay Weather

Red Clay Weather

Edited and with a foreword by Robert Philen

“Clay, red clay in particular, recurs several times throughout the collection as a motif of earth. It is the substance of creation, but always of impermanent things, whether heroes or Babylonian statues with feet of clay, or of things durable but fragile, such as the cuneiform tablets of ‘A Parking Lot Just Outside the Ruins of Babylon.'”—Robert Philen, from the Foreword

World Tree

World Tree

World Tree is in many respects, David Wojahn’s most ambitious collection to date; especially notable is a 25-poem sequence of ekphrastic poems, “Ochre,” which is accompanied by a haunting series of drawings and photographs of Neolithic Art and anonymous turn of the last century snapshot.

Read a press release about this book

Winner, 2012 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets

Co-winner of the 2013 Nicholas Roerich Museum Poets’ Prize

Water Puppets

Water Puppets

Winner of the 2010 Donald Hall Prize in Poetry

Quan Barry explores the universal image of war as evidenced in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Vietnam, the country of her birth. She also turns her signature lyricism to other topics such as the beauty of Peru or the paintings of Ana Fernandez.

Poetry in America

Poetry in America

Poetry in America offers lyric and narrative poems that function like works of social realism for our times: hard times, wartime, divorce, times of downturn and dissipated resources.

The World Falls Away

The World Falls Away

Wanda Coleman creates the kind of poetry that excites and ignites those who hate poetry, refreshes it for those who are bored by it, and inspires those who want to write it.

“In The World Falls Away, Wanda Coleman’s poems glow with an almost radioactive edginess. Yet, there is also range and substance giving her intense American voice staying power. To use, Whitman’s word, her work has ‘amplitude.'”—Diane Wakoski

Winner of the 2012 annual Book Award presented by The Poetry Center, San Francisco State University.



Winner of the 2010 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize

“Glenn Shaheen is claiming new ground for American poetry. His poems are about the nightmares of information overload, collapsing infrastructure, ubiquitous violence, and other ills of late empire. The subjects are not happy, but Shaheen’s clear vision and crisp—often witty—language offer the pleasures of surprise, discovery, and recognition.”—Ed Ochester

Total 256 results found.