
Total 1564 results found.

Exploring Apocalyptica

Exploring Apocalyptica

Coming to Terms with Environmental Alarmism
Edited By Frank Uekötter

Environmental alarmism has long been a political bellwether. Based on case studies from four continents and the North Atlantic, Exploring Apocalyptica argues for a reevaluation of familiar clichés. t shows that environmentalists were less apocalyptic than commonly thought, and other groups were far more enthusiastic.

Stalin’s Nomads

Stalin’s Nomads

Power and Famine in Kazakhstan

A comprehensive and unsettling account of the Soviet campaign to forcefully sedentarize and collectivize the Kazakh clans. Stalin and his inner circle pursued a campaign of violence and subjugation, rather than attempting any dialog or cultural assimilation. The results were catastrophic, as the conflict and an ensuing famine (1931-1933) caused the death of nearly one third of the Kazakh population.

Sounding Composition

Sounding Composition

Multimodal Pedagogies for Embodied Listening

Reimagines Listening Education to Account for Twenty-First Century Sonic Practices and Experiences

Autobiography of a Wound

Autobiography of a Wound


Winner of the AWP 2017 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry



A Plea and an Awakening to Peace as a Process and a Transient State.

I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood

I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood

Winner of the 2017 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize



Winner of the 2017 Cave Canem Poetry Prize

Liberty and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Liberty and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Charles Renouvier's Political Philosophy of Science

How Philosophy of Science Can Bring About Change in Political Life

Knowledge in Translation

Knowledge in Translation

Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000-1800 CE

These detailed yet interlocking studies consider whether knowledge evolved more through recurring intercultural links or through localized innovations; or whether it arose more from endogenous scientific study or from exogenous shifts in the world order.

Edward Condon’s Cooperative Vision

Edward Condon’s Cooperative Vision

Science, Industry, and Innovation in Modern America

Combining biographical and institutional history, Thomas C. Lassman examines the professional career of theoretical physicist Edward Condon at Princeton University, Pittsburgh’s Westinghouse Electric Company and Manufacturing Company, and the National Bureau of Standards to illuminate contested visions of the usefulness of science that played out during The Great Depression, the Second World War, and the early Cold War.

A Responsive Rhetorical Art

A Responsive Rhetorical Art

Artistic Methods for Contemporary Public Life

Explores the risk ridden realm of wise, if always fallible, rhetorical action.

Resisting Brown

Resisting Brown

Race, Literacy, and Citizenship in the Heart of Virginia

Prince Edward County, Virginia as a microcosm of America’s struggle with race, literacy, and citizenship.

The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 5

The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 5

The Correspondence, January 1855–October 1856

Volume 5 contains 266 letters covering a period of twenty-two months, when Tyndall was in his mid-thirties and had been employed by the Royal Institution as professor of natural philosophy since September 1853.

Yellow Moving Van

Yellow Moving Van

A new collection of poetry from the poet and novelist Ron Koertge.



Bradley Paul’s third book, uses common objects, animals, people, and experiences as starting points to consider one’s connectivity to the world

Total 1564 results found.