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Your search for "Urban Rivers : Re-making Rivers, Cities and Space in Europe and North America" returned 615 results

American Dinosaur Abroad

American Dinosaur Abroad

A Cultural History of Carnegie's Plaster Diplodocus

The Untold Story of Carnegie’s Prized Dinosaur and Its Influence on European Culture

Love, Order, and Progress

Love, Order, and Progress

The Science, Philosophy, and Politics of Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte’s doctrine of positivism was both a philosophy of science and a political philosophy designed to organize a new, secular, stable society based on positive or scientific, ideas, rather than the theological dogmas and metaphysical speculations associated with the ancien regime. This volume offers the most comprehensive English-language overview of Auguste Comte’s philosophy, the relation of his work to the sciences of his day, and the extensive, continuing impact of his thinking on philosophy and especially secular political movements in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Exporting Congress?

Exporting Congress?

The Influence of U.S. Congress on World Legislatures

Distinguished scholars detail the extent to which the US Congress has influenced democractic legislatures around the world, and the myriad factors involved in the diffusion of influence. Includes the governments of Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the European Parliament, plus new democracies in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Protest, Policy, and the Problem of Violence against Women

Protest, Policy, and the Problem of Violence against Women

A Cross-National Comparison

S. Laurel Weldon provides a comparative study of governmental response to the problem of violence against women in thirty-six democracies. In addition to examining the causes and consequences of the inadeqate public policies dealing with violence against women, she offers practical suggestions about how to improve them.

The Metafictional Muse

The Metafictional Muse

The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, and William H. Gass

McCaffery interprets the works of three major writers of radically experimental fiction: Robert Coover; Donald Barthelme; and Willam H. Gass.

The Logic of Decision and Action

The Logic of Decision and Action

The four main essays in this volume investigate new sectors of the theory of decision, preference, act-characteristics, and action analysis. These are complemented by appendices on a study of the logic of norms by Alan Ross Anderson, and Rescher provides an outline of the aspects of action.

Imperial Bodies in London

Imperial Bodies in London

Empire, Mobility, and the Making of British Medicine, 1880–1914

How the Circulation of Tropical Bodies Changed Victorian Understandings of Race, Gender, Disease, and Climate

Victorian Science and Imagery

Victorian Science and Imagery

Representation and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture

An Argument for Art and Science as Practices and Knowledges that Emerge from Shared Epistemologies Rather than Compartmentalized Disciplines

Nature’s Diplomats

Nature’s Diplomats

Science, Internationalism, and Preservation, 1920-1960

A History of Early International Preservationist Groups and the Natures They Sought to Preserve

The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 8

The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 8

The Correspondence, June 1862-January 1865

Public Disputes, Tyndall’s Dramatic Mountain Climbing Escapades, Efforts to Promote Science to a Wide Audience, and More

Recreating Newton

Recreating Newton

Newtonian Biography and the Making of Nineteenth-Century History of Science

Higgitt examines Isaac Newton’s changing legacy during the nineteenth century. She focuses on 1820-1870, a period that saw the creation of the specialized and secularized role of the “scientist.” At the same time, researchers gained better access to Newton’s archives. These were used both by those who wished to undermine the traditional, idealised depiction of scientific genius and those who felt obliged to defend Newtonian hagiography. Higgitt shows how debates about Newton’s character stimulated historical scholarship and led to the development of a new expertise in the history of science.

Astronomy in India, 1784-1876

Astronomy in India, 1784-1876

Indian scientific achievements in the early twentieth century are well known, with a number of heralded individuals making globally recognized strides in the field of astrophysics. Covering the period from the foundation of the Asiatick Society in 1784 to the establishment of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in 1876, Sen explores the relationship between Indian astronomers and the colonial British. He shows that from the mid-nineteenth century, Indians were not passive receivers of European knowledge, but active participants in modern scientific observational astronomy.

Cultural Landscapes of India

Cultural Landscapes of India

Imagined, Enacted, and Reclaimed

New Ways of Understanding and Reclaiming Landscapes as Living Sites of Cultural Heritage

The Body Wars

The Body Wars

What would it take to be home in one’s body, to walk around the world as oneself, knowing the pain within and without us? Jan Beatty boldly answers that question by making a fire map of the body. These roiling poems smack into walls of meditation, only to slide ...
The Science of History in Victorian Britain

The Science of History in Victorian Britain

Making the Past Speak
New attitudes towards history in nineteenth-century Britain saw a rejection of romantic, literary techniques in favour of a professionalized, scientific methodology. The development of history as a scientific discipline was undertaken by several key historians of the Victorian period, influenced by German scientific history and British natural philosophy. This study ...

Your search for "Urban Rivers : Re-making Rivers, Cities and Space in Europe and North America" returned 615 results