


Most Adaptable to Change

…to explicitly explore the role of popular media formats themselves as mediators in institutional debates on the relationship between evolution and religion.| Alexander Hall Will Mason-Wilkes|| Religion / Religion &…

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Peeling Potatoes or Grinding Lenses

…views, and draws out the particulars, as well as the implications, of the arresting match between the two. | Aristides Baltas|| Science / General Science / Philosophy & Social Aspects…

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William Bartram’s Visual Wonders

…between different modes of seeing nature in eighteenth-century Enlightenment science.| Elizabeth A. Athens|| Art / History / General Art / Individual Artists / General Art / Individual Artists / Monographs…

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Earnest, Earnest?

…sincerity and irony, and whether both can be present at the same time. While Earnest can be read literally as Eleanor’s lover, he is best understood as another side of…

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Dance Improvisations

…personal – in the conviction that improvisation at its best is comprised of both form and fancy. | Joyce Morgenroth|| Performing Arts / Dance / Modern Performing Arts / General…

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