
Total 1560 results found.

A Forced Agreement

A Forced Agreement

Press Acquiescence to Censorship in Brazil

During much of the military regime in Brazil (1964-1985), an elaborate but illegal system of restrictions prevented the press from covering important news or criticizing the government. In this intriguing new book, Anne-Marie Smith investigates why the press acquiesced to this system, and why this state-administered system of restrictions was known as “self-censorship.”

Out Of The Woods

Out Of The Woods

Essays in Environmental History

Environmental History, formerly Environmental History Review, has helped define an entire discipline through the publication of the finest scholarship of humanists, social and natural scientists, and a variety of other professionals. Out of the Woods gathers the best of this scholarship.



Toi Derricotte’s fourth collection of poetry. Tender probes sexuality, spirituality, emotion, child abuse, mother hatred, and the physical and psychological ravages of violence. These poems are raw and upsetting in subject matter, yet extremely readable.

Fado and Other Stories

Fado and Other Stories

Winner of the 1997 Drue Heinz Literature Prize, Fado and Other Stories is filled with narrative and character grounded in the meaning and value the earth gives to human existence. Katherine Vaz is never afraid to confront her subject’s ambiguities and her characters’ conflicts – the simultaneous joy and sorrow of some of life’s discoveries, the pain sometimes hidden within passion and pleasure.



A few days before his death in 1996, Larry Levis mentioned to his friend and former instructor Philip Levine that he had “an all-but-completed manuscript” of poems. After Levis’s death, Levine edited the poems Levis had left behind. What emerged is this haunting collection, Elegy.

The Butterflies Of West Virginia and their Caterpillars

The Butterflies Of West Virginia and their Caterpillars

Describes 128 species of butterflies found in the state, along with their caterpillars and pupae. Each species account provides a description and information on distribution, habitat, life history, nectar sources, and larval host plants. Hundreds of color illustrations, as well as detailed drawings and maps. Written for scientists and general enthusiasts alike.



Immigration and Industrialization, 1870–1940

A study of the immigrants who flocked to this Central Pennsylvania steel town in the late nineteenth century in search of employment. Comprised primarily of Southern blacks and Eastern European immigrants, they formed the lower class of this town. Analyzes the social structure and dominance of the white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant elite.

Factory and Community in Stalin’s Russia

Factory and Community in Stalin’s Russia

The Making of an Industrial Working Class

Kenneth Straus contemplates the question: Was there social support for the Stalin regime among the Soviet working class during the 1930s, and if so, why? In his well-researched answer he analyzes the daily lives of Soviet workers, and compares the ideologies of western and Soviet thought.

Licensed To Kill?

Licensed To Kill?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant

Examines the nuclear power plant constructed at Shoreham, New York, and the accumulated miscalculation and mishaps that eventually forced its deconstruction. An intricate study of the groups, policies and regulatory issues involved in a historic legal battle.

Picnic, Lightning

Picnic, Lightning

To celebrate Billy Collins’s years as U.S. Poet Laureate, we are pleased to announce this special hardcover edition of one of the books that helped establish and secure his reputation in the 1990s.

Eve’s Striptease

Eve’s Striptease

Construing all of life as a journey that takes us from innocence to knowledge, Eve’s Striptease suggests that the maps that we need for this journey may be found written on our own bodies. Julia Kasdorf writes of a life’s migrations, tracing paths that joyfully enlarge our definitions of love and longing – sometimes embracing conventional values and sometimes subverting them.

The Social Democratic State

The Social Democratic State

The Swedish Model and the Bureaucratic Problem of Social Reforms

Bo Rothstein examines the experience of the Sweedish Social Democratic Party, otherwise known as the SAP, to analyze the limits a social democratic government labors under and the possibilities it enjoys in using the state to implement large-scale social change. He uses two SAP programs, one successful and one failed, to examine the potential for social change in capitolist nations.

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son documents the life of award-winning dancer Edward Villella.

Thirty-Seven Years from the Stone

Thirty-Seven Years from the Stone

Mark Cox delivers a powerful exploration of the vagaries, ironies, and responsibilities of familial and romantic relationships. With humor, tenderness, a dose of terror, and an occasional swerve into the surreal, these poems probe the evolution of self, self-consciousness, and the interior psychological landscape – the effects of our past patterns and influences on the world of the present. By turns humorous and dark, straightforward and oblique, these poems are inventive and intelligent without forsaking accessibility.

Composition In The University

Composition In The University

Historical and Polemical Essays

Composition in the University examines the required introductory course in composition within American colleges and universities. Crowley argues that due to its association with literary studies in English departments, composition instruction has been inappropriately influenced by humanist pedagogy and that modern humanism is not a satisfactory rationale for the study of writing. Crowley envisions possible nonhumanist rationales that could be developed for vertical curricula in writing instruction, were the universal requirement not in place.

Winner, 1998 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize

Total 1560 results found.