
Total 1559 results found.

Local Histories

Local Histories

Reading the Archives of Composition

An original and significant study of the developmental diversity within the discipline of composition that opens the door to further examination of local histories as guideposts to the origins of composition studies.

Myths of Harmony

Myths of Harmony

Race and Republicanism during the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1831

Myths of Harmony examines a foundational moment for Latin American racial constructs. While most contemporary scholarship has focused the explanation for racial tolerance in the colonial period, Marixa Lasso argues that the origins of modern race relations are to be found later, in the Age of Revolution. Lasso’s work brings much-needed attention to the important role of the anticolonial struggles in shaping the nature of contemporary race relations and racial identities in Latin America.



Winner of the 2006 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize

Krygowski’s poems—often sad, sometimes humorous, always generous—are lovingly grounded in the ordinary. They are thinking poems—tightly crafted, accessible inquiries more interested in exploring stark and complicated knowledge than in proclaiming it.

Cloud Moving Hands

Cloud Moving Hands

These poems, threaded by the teachings of Buddha, examine loss—the death of a loved one, the longing for a child, the yearning for another place and time—and the suffering such attempts transpire, but ultimately the poems are an affirmation that to be born into human life is our greatest opportunity to transform loss and sorrow into awakening joy.

Night Clerk at the Hotel of Both Worlds

Night Clerk at the Hotel of Both Worlds

Winner of the 2006 Donald Hall Prize in Poetry.Angela Ball’s lyrical, wry, and rueful poems float on a river of incongruities on which we may find Ron Popeil, Lord Byron, and Rudyard Kipling sharing the same raft; they create a fascinating commerce between the sublime and the ridiculous.

After the Fall

After the Fall

Poems Old and New

After the Fall refers to the twin towers, and is Field’s ode to the events that transpired thereafter—the war in Iraq andthe attack on civil rights in America—as well as his own personal struggles over the indignities of aging.

Other South

Other South

Faulkner, Coloniality, and the Mariátegui Tradition

Other South raises new questions about the scope and attitude of Faulkner’s project, positioning his work as an inherent critique of colonialism and emphasizing a more specific conceptualization of coloniality. Engaging with theorists from the former colonies, Aboul-Ela draws on an understanding of economics, social structures, and the colonial/neocolonial status of the Third World, and steps outside the preconceptions of current postcolonial studies to offer a view of our shared literary heritage.

The Optic of the State

The Optic of the State

Visuality and Power in Argentina and Brazil

Traces the production of nationalist imaginaries through the public visual representation of modern state formation in Brazil and Argentina. The purpose of these imaginaries was to vindicate political upheavals and secure the viability of the newly independent states through a sense of historic destiny and inevitable evolution. The visions of national heritage, territory, and social and ethnic composition were conceived in a complex interplay between government, cultural and scientific institutions, as a means of propagating political agendas and power throughout the emerging states.

A Counter-History of Composition

A Counter-History of Composition

Toward Methodologies of Complexity

Contests the assumption that vitalism and contemporary rhetoric represent opposing, disconnected poles in the writing tradition. Vitalism has been historically linked to expressivism and dismissed as innate and unteachable, whereas rhetoric is seen as a rational, teachable method for producing argumentative texts. Hawk calls for the reexamination of current pedagogies to incorporate vitalism and complexity theory and argues for their application in the environments where students write and think today.

Winner of the 2007 JAC W. Ross Winterowd Award Honorable Mention, 2007 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize

The Plum Flower Dance

The Plum Flower Dance

Poems 1985 to 2005

Winner of the 2008 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence

The Plum Flower Dance includes new poems and poems from Weaver’s earlier works My Fathers Geography, and Timber and Prayer, among others.

Helen Clay Frick

Helen Clay Frick

Bittersweet Heiress

Chronicles Helen Clay Frick’s lifelong commitment to social welfare, the environment, and her purchase of many significant works of art for her private collection, the Frick Collection in New York, the University of Pittsburgh teaching collection, and the Frick Art Museum.

The Conquest of History

The Conquest of History

Spanish Colonialism and National Histories in the Nineteenth Century

By exploring controversies such as the veracity of the Black Legend, the location of Christopher Columbus’s mortal remains, and the survival of indigenous cultures, this study shows how recorded history became implicated in the struggles over empire.

The Floating Bridge

The Floating Bridge

The Floating Bridge, David Shumate’s second collection of prose poems, transports its readers over the chasm between the mundane and the enchanted. We traverse one bridge and find ourselves eavesdropping on Gertrude Stein and her gardener. We take the night bus to Gomorrah to have a look around. Halfway across, each bridge vanishes beneath our feet. Our world shifts. The commonplace begins to glow. We turn the page. Another bridge awaits.

The Archaeology of Anxiety

The Archaeology of Anxiety

The Russian Silver Age and its Legacy

The “Silver Age” (c. 1890-1917) has been one of the most intensely studied topics in Russian literary studies, and for years scholars have struggled with its precise definition. Firmly established in the Russian cultural psyche, it continues to influence both literature and mass media. Rylkova analyzes writings by Anna Akhmatova, Vladimir Nabokov, Boris Pasternak and Victor Erofeev to reveal how the construct of the Silver Age was perpetuated and ingrained.

Big Steel

Big Steel

The First Century of the United States Steel Corporation 1901-2001

Big Steel is the first comprehensive history of the company at the center of America’s twentieth-century industrial life—the United States Steel Corporation. Granted unprecedented access to the U.S. Steel archives, Warren tells the compelling history of this business.

Total 1559 results found.