
Total 1556 results found.

Shades of Sulh

Shades of Sulh

The Rhetorics of Arab-Islamic Reconciliation

Sulh is a centuries-old Arab-Islamic peacemaking practice. Rasha Diab explores the possibilities and limits of the rhetoric of sulh as it is used to resolve interpersonal, communal, and (inter)national conflicts—with a case illustrating each of these domains. The cases range from medieval to contemporary times and are analyzed using both rhetorical and critical discourse analyses.

Socialist Fun

Socialist Fun

Youth, Consumption, and State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1945–1970

Most narratives depict Soviet Cold War cultural activities and youth groups as drab and dreary, militant and politicized. In this study, Gleb Tsipursky challenges these stereotypes in a revealing portrayal of Soviet youth and state-sponsored popular culture. He provides a fresh and original examination of the Kremlin’s paramount effort to shape young lives, consumption, popular culture, and to build an emotional community—all against the backdrop of Cold War struggles to win hearts and minds both at home and abroad.

What Makes a Good Experiment?

What Makes a Good Experiment?

Reasons and Roles in Science

What makes a good experiment? Although experimental evidence plays an essential role in science, there is no algorithm or simple set of criteria for ranking or evaluating good experiments, and therefore no definitive answer to the question. Experiments can, in fact, be good in any number of ways: conceptually good, methodologically good, technically good, and pedagogically important. This book provides details of good experiments, with examples from physics and biology.

Russia in the German Global Imaginary

Russia in the German Global Imaginary

Imperial Visions and Utopian Desires, 1905-1941

This book traces transformations in German views of Russia in the first half of the twentieth century, leading up to the disastrous German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. James E. Casteel shows how Russia figured in the imperial visions and utopian desires of a variety of Germans, and illuminates the ambiguous position that Russia occupied in Germans’ global imaginary as both an imperial rival and an object of German power.

The Andean Wonder Drug

The Andean Wonder Drug

Cinchona Bark and Imperial Science in the Spanish Atlantic, 1630-1800

In the eighteenth century, malaria was a prevalent and deadly disease, and the only effective treatment was found in the Andean forests of Spanish America: a medicinal bark harvested from cinchona trees that would later give rise to the antimalarial drug quinine. The Andean Wonder Drug uses the story of cinchona bark to demonstrate how the imperial politics of knowledge in the Spanish Atlantic ultimately undermined efforts to transform European science into a tool of empire.

Old Age, New Science

Old Age, New Science

Gerontologists and Their Biosocial Visions, 1900-1960

This book focuses on the “biosocial visions” shared by early gerontologists in American and British science and culture from the early to mid-twentieth century who believed the phenomenon of aging was not just biological, but social in nature. Advancements in the life sciences, together with shifting perspectives on the state and future of the elderly in society, informed how gerontologists interacted with seniors, and how they defined successful aging. Park shows how these visions shaped popular discourses on aging, directly influenced the institutionalization of gerontology, and also reflected the class, gender, and race biases of their founders.

Biking through History on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail

Biking through History on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail

Edited By Edward K. Muller

Formerly titled An Uncommon Passage: Traveling through History on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, this is a revised and updated version. This book reveals the historic importance of the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, now a scenic biking tand hiking trail that stretches from Pittsburgh, PA to Washington, D.C. Through beautiful contemporary photos, historic illustrations and a compelling narrative, the rich history of the trail comes to life for visitors (and everyone) to enjoy.

Exploratory Experiments

Exploratory Experiments

Ampère, Faraday, and the Origins of Electrodynamics

In this foundational study, Friedrich Steinle compares the influential work of Ampere and Faraday to reveal the prominent role of exploratory experimentation in the development of science. Focusing on Ampere’s and Faraday’s research practices, reconstructed from previously unknown archival materials, this book considers both the historic and epistemological basis of exploratory experimentation—and its importance to scientific development.

After Human Rights

After Human Rights

Literature, Visual Arts, and Film in Latin America, 1990-2010

Rosenberg explores Latin American artistic production concerned with the possibility of justice after the establishment, rise, and ebb of the human rights narrative around the turn of the last century. He grounds his study in discussions of literature, film, and visual art (novels of political refoundations, fictions of truth and reconciliation, visual arts based on cases of disappearance, films about police violence, artistic collaborations with police forces, and judicial documentaries). In doing so, he provides a highly original examination of the paradoxical demands on current artistic works to produce both capital value and foster human dignity.

City on Fire

City on Fire

Technology, Social Change, and the Hazards of Progress in Mexico City, 1860-1910

City on Fire is a chronicle of progress and danger, that integrates urban environmental history with histories of technology, science, and medicine to reveal how Mexico City changed in response to the growing threat of fire in the urban center.

Bridges, Borders, and Breaks

Bridges, Borders, and Breaks

History, Narrative, and Nation in Twenty-First-Century Chicana/o Literary Criticism

This volume reassesses the field of Chicana/o literary studies in light of the rise of Latina/o studies, the recovery of a large body of early literature by Mexican Americans, and the “transnational turn” in American studies. The chapters reveal how “Chicano” defines a literary critical sensibility as well as a political one, and show how this view can yield new insights about the status of Mexican Americans, the legacies of colonialism, and the ongoing prospects for social justice.

Slave Emancipation and Transformations in Brazilian Political Citizenship

Slave Emancipation and Transformations in Brazilian Political Citizenship

Castilho offers original perspectives on the political upheaval surrounding the process of slave emancipation in postcolonial Brazil. He shows how the abolition debates in Pernambuco transformed the practices of political citizenship and marked the first instance of a mass national political mobilization.

The State as Investment Market

The State as Investment Market

Kyrgyzstan in Comparative Perspective

Based on a detailed examination of Kyrgyzstan, Johan Engvall goes well beyond the case of this single country to elaborate a broad theory of economic corruption in developing post-Soviet states regionally—as a rational form of investment market for political elites. He reveals how would-be officials invest in offices to obtain access to income streams associated with those offices. Drawing on extensive fieldwork Engvall details how these systems work and the major implications for political and economic development in the region.

Greetings, Pushkin!

Greetings, Pushkin!

Stalinist Cultural Politics and the Russian National Bard

In 1937 the Soviet Union sponsored a huge celebration on the centenary of Pushkin’s death, marking the turn toward a renewed Russian nationalism that would become full-blown a few years later.This is the first study of this major cultural event, and examines Soviet representations of Pushkin’s legacy in prose, poetry, drama, theater, painting, sculpture, film, the educational system and in the political realm.

Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750-1850

Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750-1850

The century from 1750 to 1850 was a period of dramatic transformations in world history, fostering revolutionary change beyond the political landscape. It was an era of rapidly expanding scientific investigation—and profound changes in scientific knowledge and practice also took place. In this volume, an esteemed group of international historians examines key elements of science in societies across Spanish America, Europe, West Africa, India, and Asia as they overlapped each other increasingly.

Total 1556 results found.