
Total 213 results found.

Transplanting Modernity?

Transplanting Modernity?

New Histories of Poverty, Development, and Environment

Calls for an Honest Reckoning of the Successes, Failures, and Unanticipated Results of International Developments

Ambivalent Alliance

Ambivalent Alliance

The Catholic Church and the Action Française, 1899-1939

This book examines the strange marriage of convenience, from 1899 to 1939, between the French Catholic church and the ultra-rightist, chauvinist, monarchist, and anti-Semitic organization called the Acton Francaise.

The Ephrata Commune

The Ephrata Commune

An Early American Counterculture

Tells of the founding and subsequent history of Ephrata, a mystical religious community that flourished in eastern Pennsylvania in the mid-eighteenth century. Its leader, Conrad Beissel, a German Pietist who came to America in 1720 seeking spiritual peace and solitude. Settled in Lancaster County, his talents and charisma attracted other German settlers who shared his vision of a community built in the image of apostolic Christianity.

Perceptions and Behavior in Soviet Foreign Policy

Perceptions and Behavior in Soviet Foreign Policy

This book discerns Soviet leaders’ views of the United States and sees them in relation to foreign policy statements and actions.

The Film Industry in Brazil

The Film Industry in Brazil

Culture and the State

Looking back through the prism of the severe economic crisis for filmmaking in the 1980s, this book trace the development of this industry in Brazil, focusing specifically on its relationship to the state.

And the Wolf Finally Came

And the Wolf Finally Came

The Decline and Fall of the American Steel Industry

A veteran reporter on American labor, John P. Hoerr analyzes the spectacular and tragic collapse of the steel industry in the 1980s. And the Wolf Finally Came demonstrates how an obsolete and adversarial relationship between management and labor made it impossible for the industry to adapt to a rapidly changing global economy.

The Truth of Authority

The Truth of Authority

Ideology and Communication in the Soviet Union

Thomas Remington views the methods used by the Communist Party in official communications to Soviet society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Distribution of Wealth and Income in the United States in 1798

Distribution of Wealth and Income in the United States in 1798

Based on census data, Soltow presents an exhautive survey of wealth distribution in the early United States, with a particular focus on the 1798 census for the First Direct Tax.

Thunder In the Mountains

Thunder In the Mountains

The West Virginia Mine War, 1920–21

The Classic, Lively Narrative of a Seminal Labor Dispute in Appalachian History

The Social Documentary in Latin America

The Social Documentary in Latin America

Twenty essays by major filmmakers and critics provide the first survey of the evolution of documentary film in Latin America. While acknowledging the political and historical weight of the documentary, the contributors are also concerned with the aesthetic dimensions of the medium and how Latin American practitioners have defined the boundaries of the form.

The Expulsion of Mexico’s Spaniards, 1821-1836

The Expulsion of Mexico’s Spaniards, 1821-1836

The definitive account of the expulsion laws passed in 1827-1829 and 1833-34 and the chaos they caused in the new Mexican republic.

Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters

Origins of the 1881 Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Russia

Aronson refutes the widely-held belief that the anti-Jewish pogroms of 1881 in Russia were supported by the Czar, or those within his inner circle. He instead looks to social, economic and political forces of the time, and recounts the fateful events of this year in great detail.

City At The Point

City At The Point

Essays on the Social History of Pittsburgh

An overview of scholarly research, both published and previously unpublished, on the history of a city that has often served as a case study for measuring social change. It synthesizes the literature and assesses how that knowledge relates to our broader understanding of the processes of urbanization and urbanism.

Cuba under the Platt Amendment, 1902–1934

Cuba under the Platt Amendment, 1902–1934

Perez shows how U.S. armed intervention in Cuba in 1898 and subsequent military occupation revitalized elements of the colonial system that would serve U.S. imperialist interests during Cuba’s independence.

After Marx, Before Lenin

After Marx, Before Lenin

Marxism and Socialist Working-Class Parties in Europe, 1884-1914

Steenson offers new interpretations of the history and nature of socialist movements in Germany, France, Austria, and Italy, from after Karl Marx’s death until World War I.

Total 213 results found.