Language Arts & Disciplines / Rhetoric

Total 47 results found.

Swarms, Viral Writing, and the Local

Swarms, Viral Writing, and the Local

Rhetorical Dynamics across Networked Publics

Considers How Social Media Writing Can Both Fuel and Resist Disinformation and Violence

On Becoming Neighbors

On Becoming Neighbors

The Communication Ethics of Fred Rogers

A Cultural, Ethical, and Rhetorical Study of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

Social Mediations

Social Mediations

Writing for Digital Public Spheres

Offers a New Rhetorical Repertoire for Interactive Writing in Social Media and Other Digital Spaces

Sensitive Rhetorics

Sensitive Rhetorics

Academic Freedom and Campus Activism

Shows How a Rhetorical Theory That Centers Sensitivity Can Benefit Scholars and Students

Habitual Rhetoric

Habitual Rhetoric

Digital Writing before Digital Technology

A Corrective to the Pervasive Belief That Digital Writing Practices are Entirely New

Making the World a Better Place

Making the World a Better Place

African American Women Advocates, Activists, and Leaders, 1773-1900

Centers Black Women’s Discourse and Sociopolitical Action from the Nation’s Founding through the Civil War and Beyond

Unorganized Women

Unorganized Women

Repetitive Rhetorical Labor and Low-Wage Workers, 1834-1937

A Detailed Study of the Rhetorical Labor of Low- and No-Wage Women Workers Unaffiliated with Traditional Labor Unions

Rhet Ops

Rhet Ops

Rhetoric and Information Warfare

Weaponized Digital Rhetorics

Kairotic Inspiration

Kairotic Inspiration

Imagining the Future in the Sixth Extinction

Offering a New, Ecological Theory of Inspiration That Shifts the Concept toward Deep, Transformative Connections

Ethics and Representation in Feminist Rhetorical Inquiry

Ethics and Representation in Feminist Rhetorical Inquiry

A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Ethical, Methodological, and Representational Questions in Feminist Rhetorical Research

Rhetorical Crossover

Rhetorical Crossover

The Black Presence in White Culture

An Examination of the Ways African American Rhetoric Becomes Whitened When It Crosses Over into White Audiences

Persuasive Acts

Persuasive Acts

Women’s Rhetorics in the Twenty-First Century
In June 2015, Bree Newsome scaled the flagpole in front of South Carolina’s state capitol and removed the Confederate flag. The following month, the Confederate flag was permanently removed from the state capitol. Newsome is a compelling example of a twenty-first-century woman rhetor, along with bloggers, writers, politicians, activists, artists, ...
Women at Work

Women at Work

Rhetorics of Gender and Labor

Addresses Women’s Rhetorical Relationship to Work

The Animal Who Writes

The Animal Who Writes

A Posthumanist Composition

Writing as a Social Practice and Embodied Behavior

Reforming Women

Reforming Women

The Rhetorical Tactics of the American Female Moral Reform Society, 1834-1854

An Examination of the American Female Reform Society’s Periodical That Delineates Rhetorical Tactics of the 19th Century Women’s Reform Movement.

Total 47 results found.